魔兽世界 > 快讯 > 职业攻略 > 法师 > 3.0.9补丁前法师紧急修正 弹幕法伤加成减少

3.0.9补丁前法师紧急修正 弹幕法伤加成减少

09-07-24 15:25 来源:未知 作者:
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    弹幕法伤加成下调为75%(原为85%) 补丁中未作说明



  相关蓝贴:[ http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=14990443803&pageNo=1&sid=1#0 ]

  A last minute change was made to the mage Arcane Barrage spell which reduced its spell power coefficient. This change did not make it into the 3.0.9 patch notes. We will be carefully evaluating this change and its effects on game balance in both PvE and PvP. If you have constructive feedback to provide, please do so in this thread.


