魔兽世界 > 快讯 > 职业攻略 > 德鲁伊 > 3.1:前Nihilum主力熊坦讲述3.1熊坦现状


09-07-24 13:13 来源:未知 作者:fewmaster
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  原帖地址:[ http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=8523002582&sid=1 ]




  然而,这里所关心的并不在于我们需要插上所有的耐力宝石以保持我们的血量优势(以非常低的TPS作为交换)。事实上,战士与DK有着比我们更好的减伤技能选择,面对某些王的某段时间内你会收到非常高的伤害。我能给出的最好的例子是Mimiron P1 和 Auryia (都是奥杜亚的boss 译者注),D坦在这里完全无法承担战士和DK所受到的伤害。




  最后我想说的是,坦D正面对非常严重的低谷。我曾经尝试的作为General Vezax的MT,而那完全是受罪,而当我上次去他们把T调整为DK的时候,不同于我需要2个治疗,DK只要1个就足够了。


  After HotW went to 10% (down from 20%) we basically lost our HP advantage. I'm maybe 1-1.5k hp above Kungen and I do A LOT less threat in that gear. Actually so much less that DPS tend to catch up with me. DK's do excellent treat as well, even if fully stamina socketed/enchanted, druids do not.

  However, the concern here isnt that we need to socket/gem stamina to keep our only advantage over other tanks (and in return we lose _A LOT_ of TPS), its the fact that Warriors and DK's have better timers than us. There are critical times where you take a high amount of damage and its not very often. The 2 best examples I can give are Mimiron p1 and Auryia (or however you spell it), where druids get annihilated compared to Warriors/DK's.

  20% from Barkskin vs 60% from shield wall, or 20% from bone armor AND 50% from icebound fortitude is just WAY too weak. I couldn't tank those 2 encounters because I instagibbed more or less. That combined with my lousy threat when you have to push dps is really, really frustrating.

  Feral tanks take more damage than warriors and death knights per hit (we have less armor than both classes now), we avoid less than both classes, we have worse timers than both classes and we do significantly less TPS than both classes. All for what? Having around 1500 hp more than them? The only raiding I expect to see in Ulduar is going to be as DPS, which you're also severely nerfing in spite of druids not having ANY scalability what-so-ever so you know as well as the rest of us that classes would catch up with only a few upgrades.

  Bottom line is, I think you're going down a very slippery slope with feral tanks right now. I used to main tank General Vezax and it was tolerable, but we switched to a DK last time we were there and instead of 2 healers for me, we did it with just 1 for the DK.


